A , An, The- GB wZbwU‡K Article e‡j|
A, An , The GB wZbwUB GKKfv‡e Noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m |
mvaviY wbqg wnmv‡e Singular number Gi Common Noun Gi c~‡e© GKwU একটি Article e‡m|
A / An Gi mvavib e¨envi:
A / An mvavibZ Noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m|
hw` Noun Gi Ab¨ Adjective / Adverb _v‡K Z‡e A / An Zv‡`i Av‡MI e‡m |
Many , Such,
What(exclamation), how, so, as, too G‡`I ci Adjective _vK‡j G‡`i ci A / An e‡m |
A Gi
Countable Noun hw` Consonant w`‡q ïi“ nq | ‡hgb- A book, A cat, A dog, A hen
Countable Noun Gi cÖ_‡g Vowel (a, e, i, o, u) Gi D”PviY hw` ( you / wa) Gi gZ nq | ‡hgb- A unit, a university, a useful . thing, a union , a usage, a
uniform, a unique picture, a ear, a European , a ewe, a one taka note, a one
eyed man, a one act play.
msL¨v, MwZ, cwigvb, AbycvZ eySv‡Z a e¨eüZ nq |
‡hgb- A pair, a dozen, a hundred, a pound, a
kilo, a day, a week, a half, a few, a lot of, a little, a day. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Zzjbv A‡_© Proper Noun ‡K Common
Noun iƒ‡c e¨envi Ki‡j a e¨eüZ nq |
‡hgb- You are a Nazrul I see. He is a Kalidas in literature.
Abstract Noun ‡K common Noun iƒ‡c e¨envi Ki‡j a e¨eüZ nq | ‡hgb- He was a Justice of the Suprime Court. She is a beauty.
6. Exclamation eySv‡Z a e¨eüZ nq | ‡hgb- What a lovely sight! How smart a boy!
7. Preposition iƒ‡c e¨envi n‡j
a e¨eüZ nq | ‡hgb- He went a hunting (on hunting).
8. The same ev GKB A_© eySv‡Z a e¨eüZ nq | ‡hgb- Birds of a feather flock together.
9. GKwU ev †Kvb GKwU eySv‡Z a e¨eüZ nq | ‡hgb- There was not a man to support him.
10. AcwiwPZ AZP wbw`©ó †Kvb e¨w³ eySv‡Z a e¨eüZ nq | ‡hgb- A Mr. Khan came to see me.
11. RvwZ ev ‡kªYx‡evaK k‡ãi Av‡M a e¨eüZ nq | ‡hgb- A cow is a useful animal.
12. KwZcq Phrase Gi m‡½ a e¨eüZ nq | ‡hgb- They are in a hurry.
An Gi
Countable Noun Gi ïi“‡Z hw` Vowel ( a, e, i, o,
u) _v‡K
Z‡e Zvi c~‡e© an
a: an ant, an apple, an ass, an axe. e:
an egg, an eye, an elephant. i:
an insect, an island, an inkpot, an
o: an orange, an orphan, an owl, an ox. u: an umbrella, an ugly boy
Abbribriation ev msw¶ß k‡ãi cÖ_g A¶i hw` Vowel
Gi gZ D”PvwiZ
an M. A. an M. D. an M.B.B.S. wKš‘, a B. A.
a C.A
শ‡ãi ïi“‡Z h _vK‡j Ges Zv Aby”PvwiZ †_‡K hw` wØZxq A¶‡i stress (‡Rvi) †`ওয়া Z‡e Zvi c~‡e© an e‡m|
‡hgb- An hour, an honest man, an honorable person.
The Gi e¨envi:
wbw`©ó K‡i †evSv‡j me Number Ges me Gender G Noun
Gi c~‡e© The e‡m| †hgb- the boy, the girls.
wbw`©ó e¨w³ ev e¯‘i c~‡e© The e‡m| †hgb- the book, the man.
‡h mKj e¯‘i c~‡e© The e‡m †m¸‡jv nj:-
b`x : The Padma, The Nile, The
Lvj : The Panama, The Suez.
mvMi : The Black sea, The Read sea, The
Arabian sea.
DcmvMi : The Bay of Bengal, The Persian Gulf,
gnvmvMi : The Indian Ocean, The Pacific Ocean,
n«` : The Caspian, The Baikal,
The Gibraltar.
Aš—ixc : The Kumarika, The Cape of Good Hope.
cÖYvjx : The Bosforus, The Darda-nelles.
`xccyÄ : The Andaman, The West Indies, the Phelippines.
ce©Zgvjv : The Alps, The Himalayas.
A_©c~Y© †fŠ‡MvwjK bvg : The U.S.A. The U. K. The Punjab, The Netherlands.
w`K : The East, The West, The
North, The South.
m. AwØZxq e¯‘ : The Sun, The moon, The Earth, The Sky.
RvwZ : The Muslim, The Indian, The English,
esk : The Mughals, The Khans,
D‡jL‡hvM¨ NUbv : The Victory Day, The Shaheed Day,
D‡jL‡hvM¨ ¯’vb : The Panipath, The
Plassey The Baldha Garden.
ag© MÖš’ : The Quran, The Bible, The Geeta, The Tripitak.
RvnvR : The Titanic, The Elizabeth, The Banglar Doot, The Santamaria.
msev`cÎ / mvgwqK cÎ : The Ittefaq, The
Bangladesh Observer,
The New York Times.
‡Uªb / wegvb : The Khulna Express,
The Ulka, The Biman, The Saudia.
gnvk~b¨hvb : The Sputnik, The Apollo-11, The Challenger, The Skylab.
w. ‡nv‡Uj / wm‡bgv : The Ruposi Bangla Hotel, The Balaka.
‡ckv : The Bar, The Press.
ev`¨hš¿ : The violin, The Piano.
weL¨vZ MÖš’ : The Geetanjali, The Shahnama.
4. মাসের তারিখের পূর্বে The বসে। যেমন ----
Dated, Dhaka the 15th July. ii.
Today is the 10th of April. iii.
The school closes on the 7th instant.
5. জাতি
বা শ্রেণী বুঝাতে singular Common Noun এর পূর্বে the বসে । যেমন—
cow, The dog, The lion, The horse, The cat,
The rose, The banyan, The ant.
6. পূর্বে পরিচিত কোনো ব্যক্তি বা
বস্তুর উল্লেখ প্রসঙ্গে the বসে
যেমন— i. I don’t like the man. ii. Come to the library.
7. বহু
বচনাত্বক শ্রেনীবাচক Adjective বুঝাতে the বসে
। যেমন-- The
rich = rich men, rich people. The
poor = poor men, poor people. The
wise = wise men, wise people. The
idle = idle men, idle people. The
sick = sick men, sick people.
8. Adjective এর Superlative Degree-র পূর্বে the বসে । যেমন— The best boy, the worst man , the
highest building, the tallest tree , the largest city, the greatest man, The biggest mosque, the most important question,
the lowest temperature, the most expensive/ attractive/ interesting/ exciting
9. ‘যত তত’ এই অর্থে Adverb রুপে ব্যবহৃত comparative degree এর পূর্বে the বসে। The more, the merrier, The sooner, the better.
10. তুলনা বুঝাতে the
বসে । যেমন – i. Nazrul was the Shelley of
Bangladesh. ii. Tokyo is the
Manchester of Japan.
11. যখন কোনো Material বা Abstract Noun কে wbw`©ó [ particularized ] করা
হয় তখন the বসে । যেমন—
i. The gold of this ring is pure. ii. The water of this pond is muddy. iii. The rice of Barisal is very fine.
12. Proper noun , Material Noun এবং Abstract Noun কে common noun হিসাবে ব্যবহার করতে the বসে
i. Narayanganj is the Dundee of Bangladesh. ii.
Zuleka was the beauty of Palashpur.
13. Superlative Degree এর of জোর দিয়ে best অর্থ
বুঝাতে the বসে । যেমন— He is the player of the match.
Ordinal Number বা ক্রম / পর্জায়বাচক সংখ্যা বানান করে লিখলে তার
পূর্বে the বসে। যেমন —i. Queen Elizabeth the second.
George the fifth. iii. The
first boy is better than the second boy.
15. Possessive Adjective এর পরির্বতে common noun ব্যবহার করলে তার পূর্বে the বসে । i. He struck me on
the head. ii. The dog bit the boy on the right leg. iii. He stared me in the face.
16. বস্তুর কোনো বিশেষ অংশ বুঝাতে তার
পূর্বে the বসে । যেমন--- She prefers the yellow of an egg.
17. Adjective এবং Singular Common noun কে Abstract noun রুপে
ব্যবহার করলে তার পূর্বে the বসে
i. The future
is unknown to us. ii. Check the
beast in you. iii. Do not leap in
the dark.
18. Adjective,
Adverbial phrase বা clause দ্বারা Noun কে বিশেসিত
করলে তার পূর্বে the বসে । যেমন-The black cow , The famous Titumir.
বিশেষভাবে কোনো ব্যক্তি বা বস্তু নির্দেশিত হলে Common noun এর Plural number এর
পূর্বে the বসে
। যেমন--
i. The cows of Ullapara are healthy. ii. The boys of
Guru Griha are very smart.
20. কোনো স্তানে
প্রাথমিক উদ্দেশ্যে গমন না করে অন্য কোনো উদ্দেশ্যে গেলে সে স্তানের পূর্বে the বসে । যেমন -- He is going to school.(to study -প্রাথমিক
উদ্দেশ্যে ) He is going to the school. (to see or
visit) . My mother went to the
school to meet the Headmaster. এভাবে the prison , the mosque, the market etc.
21. কোন
ভাষার নামের আগে the বসলে তা দ্বারা ঐ ভাষায় যারা কথা বলে তাদেরকেই বুঝায় ।
যেমন --The
English. ---English people , English .
nation. এভাবে The Chinese, The French.
22. দ্বিতীয়
দফা উল্লেখ করে কোনো Noun কে wbw`©ó করলে তার পূর্বে the বসে
। যেমন--
Indefinite: Definite:
Give me a book. I
shall read the book.
ii. We
have a cat.
The cat is black.
iii. That is a library. Go to the
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