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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Usage of Pronoun

By : Mustafij
On : 7:17 AM

Usage of Pronoun

Rule - 01:

Verb এর Subject হিসেবে যদি কোন  Pronoun আসে তাহলে  Nominative form হবে আর verb এর object হিসেবে যদি কোন  Pronoun আসে তাহলে  objective form হবে
For Example:
He and they followed me and  her.
I saw her at the play.

Rule - 02:

Infinitive, Gerund কিংবা  Participle এর Object হিসেবে যদি কোন   Pronoun আসে তাহলে  Pronoun টিকে objective form করে use করতে হবে
For Example:
They tried to follow me.
I want to see him.
After dropping Sumi and her, I came here.

Rule - 03:

Subject + verb + Objective pronoun/noun + Infinitive (to+verb). অর্থাৎ tell, order, oblige, compel, allow, permit, teach, instruct, warn, urge, advise, tempt, encourage, request, forbid, show, how, remind, etc এর পর Object + Infinitive বসে
For Example:
The commander ordered them to go.
She showed them how to play on harmonium.

Rule - 04:

Preposition এর object  হিসেবে যদি কোন  Pronoun আস তাহলে Pronoun টিকে objective form use করতে হবে
For Example:
He always looks after me.
You can depend on him and her.
কিছু Uncommon Word [between, among, except, like, but (=except), behind, beneath etc.] আছে  যারা Preposition  হিসেবে কাজ করে অর্থাৎ, এদের পরে objective form বসে
Distribute these mangoes between you and me.
Students like us should not do this.

Rule - 05:

Be verb (am, is, are, was, were etc.) এর complement হিসেবে যদি কোন Pronoun আস তাহলে Pronoun টি Nominative form হবে
For Example:
It is he who did this.
Hers is she.

* It was us who had left before he arrived.  (2007-08 2005-2006 Ga-Unit)

A. us who had left before he arrived.
@B. we who had left before he arrived.
C. we who had went before he arrived.
D. us who had went before he arrived
E. we who had left before the time he had arrived.

* Fill in the gap with any one of the following-  (1999-2000 Ga-Unit)

It was – who first noticed the difference.
A. me       @B. I
C. myself    D. meself

Rule - 06:

Who/Whom এর ব্যব্হার :
Who + Verb ------
Whom + Noun/ Pronoun-----

Verb এর Subject হিসেবে কোন প্রকার চিন্তাভাবনা ছাড়াই  who use করতে হবে আর Noun/pronoun এর সাথে whom use করতে হবে কারণ ক্ষেত্রে  whom টি verb এর object হয়
For Example:
I know the man who is waiting for you.
You are the lady whom he wants.

কিন্তু নিচের  example টির মত অনেক sentence পাওয়া যায়
You are the lady who I think is waiting for me.
For Example:
Tell this who/whom looks confident.
Tell this who/whom you find.
Tell this who/whom you think is confident.

* Indicate the error, if any, in the underlined words.  (C Unit 2002 – 2003)
He was author whom
A I belived
B was most likely
C to receive
D the Ekushe award.
E No Error

* Choose the correct option- ( B Unit 1999-00 )
A. Give the work to whichever looks idle.
B. Give the work to whom looks idle.
C. Give the work to whomsoever looks idle.
@D. Give the work to whoever looks idle.

Rule - 07:

Relative Pronoun (who, which, that) এর পরে  Verb সবসময় তার antecedent অনুযায়ী হবে অর্থাৎ relative pronoun এর immediately আগে যে  Noun বা pronoun আছে সেটা  অনুযায়ী হবে
For Example:
It is you who are responsible for this.
I have lost the books which were bought from this store.
It is I who am your friend.
[Here the verb after the relative pronoun is determined by I]

Rule - 08:

Relative Pronoun সবসময় তার antecedent এর পাশেই বসে 
For Example:
Inc: The man will be punished who has done this .
Corr: The man who has done this will be punished .
* Choose the correct sentence:  (C Unit 2009 – 2010)

The fact money orders can usually be easily cashed  has made them a popular form of payment.
A. of B. that  C. is that
D. which is    E. of the matter that

* Choose the correct sentence:  (D Unit 2005 – 2006)

A. The man that said that was a fool.
@B. The man who said that was a fool.
C. The man, that said that, was a fool.
D. The man which said that was a fool.

* Select the correct sentence.  (D Unit 2003 – 2004)

A. The man was tall who stole my bag.
B. The man stole my bag who was tall.
C. The man stole my bag who is tall.
@D. The man who stole my bag was tall.

Rule - 09:

Subordinate clause কখনই এবং কোন অবস্থায় question করা যাবে না আর কারনে Subordinate clause
কখনই Subject এর আগে verb আসবে না
For Example:
Do you know where is he? (Incorrect)
Do you know where he is? (Correct)
What should you do is nothing. (Incorrect)
What you should do is nothing. (Correct)

Identify the correct sentence.  (D Unit 2009-2010)

A. Do you know when the results will be published?
B. Do you know when will the results be published?
C. Do you know when will published the results?
D. Do you know when the results will published?

Identify the correct sentence.  (D Unit 2001-2002)
A. I do not now where he lives.
B. I do not know where does he live.
C. I did not now where he has been lived.
D. I do not know where he has been lived.

Which of the following is correct?  (D Unit 2001-2002)
A. Do you know where does he live?
B. Do you know where he lives?
C. Do you know where does he lives?
D. Do you know he lives where?

I'm trying to calculate..... (D Unit 2004-2005)
A. how many money you owe me
B. you owe me how much money
C. you owe me how many money
D. how much money you owe me

Rule - 10:

They কিংবা them কখনই কোন Relative Pronoun এর antecedent  হতে পারে না সেক্ষেত্রে   They কিংবা them না হয়ে  those হয় 
For Example:
God helps those who help themselves.
Those who are guilty will be punished.

Rule - 11:

যদি Subject plural হয় তবে sentence এর verb এবং  possessive উভয়ই plural হয় আবার যদি  Subject singular হয় তবে sentence এর verb এবং possessive উভয়ই singular হয়
For Example:
They are going to their college.
He is going to his college.

* Subject অনুপাতে sentence এর possessive হয়

For Example:
One should study one’s lesson
One must do one’s duty.

* The more hemoglobin one has, the more oxygen is carried to ---- cells. (D Unit 2002 – 04)
A. its B. our
C. their D. one's

Rule - 12:

Verb এর Subject হিসেবে যদি কোন Clause আসে যেখানে clause টি একটি fact কে represent  করে   সে ক্ষেত্রে clause marker হিসেবে বেশিরভাগ ক্ষেত্রে আমরা that কে use করি
অর্থাৎ That Clause কোন Verb এর Subject হিসেবে  use হতে পারে
For Example:
That he is poor is known to me.

* ----- Nannu is a good cricketer is known to all-  (1999-2000 D -Unit)
A. Our              B. Which
C. Therefore @D. That.

* Which one is correct? (C Unit 1994-1995)
A. The theme of this novel is how money does  not make you happy.
@B. The theme of this novel is that money does  not make you happy.
C. In this novel, that money does not make you  happy is the theme.
D. In this novel its theme is how money does not make you happy.

Rule - 13:

Gerund এর আগে যদি কোন Pronoun হয় তাহলে Pronoun টি Possessive form হয়
For Example:
She regrets her leaving
আর যদি  Infinitive এর আগে কোন Pronoun হয় সে ক্ষেত্রে  Pronoun টি  Objective form হবে
For Example:
We ordered him to appear in the court .

Rule - 14:

Complement এর মধে যদি এমন কোন  Pronoun থাকে যেটি Subject  কে নির্দেশ করে, সেক্ষেত্রে  Pronoun টি Reflexive form হবে
For Example:
He tried to console himself.
I did it myself.

Rule - 15:

নিচের Pronoun এর বিভিন্ন form গুলো  খেয়াল করো  এবং পার্থক্য বোঝার চেষ্টা করো এবং এদেরকে use করার সময় সাতর্কভাবে  use  কর
he’s = he is
his = possessive form of he
who’s = who is
whose = possessive form of who
they’re = they are
their = possessive form of they.

* Choose the correct sentence.  (C Unit 2003 – 2004)
A. Jahir's the guy who giving us a ride
B. Jahir's the guy he giving us a ride.
C. Jahir's the guy whose giving us a ride
@D. Jahir's the guy who's giving us a ride
E. Jahir the guy who giving us a ride.

N.B.:  প্রত্যেকটি  Pronoun কোন না কোন Noun এর পরিবর্তে বসে অর্থাৎ প্রত্যেক  Pronoun এর অবশ্যই  antecedent থাকে  এক্ষেত্রে Pronoun এর সাথে antecedent এর Number, Person  এবং Gender অনুযায়ী মিল বা সঙ্গতি থাকতে হবে

Rule - 16:

বাংলায় ( আমি, তুমি সে ) বলা হয়, কিন্তু ইংরেজিতে (তুমি, সে আমি ) এভাবে ব্যবহৃত হয়
For Example: You, he and I are to organize the show.

* Which one of the following sentences is correct?  (C Unit 1999-2000)
A. Selim, you and I shall be punished.
B. I, you and Selim shall be punished.
C. You, me and Selim shall be punished.
@D. You, Selim and I shall be punished.

* আবার দোষ স্বীকার করলে ( আমি, তুমি সে) এভাবেই ব্যবহৃত হয়
For Example: I, you and he are in the wrong


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