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Friday, August 31, 2012


By : Mustafij
On : 5:32 AM
In :
Narration-Short chart
Reported  Speech Gi  Person Abymv‡i cwieZ©b t

Direct narration Reported Speech Gi Person
Indirect narration G cwiewZ©Z  person
      (a)   1st Person (I, We, my, our, us)  
   (  ( b)  We gvbe RvwZ‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡j|
1.(a) Reporting verb Gi  sub Gi  gender I person  Abymv‡i cwiewZ©Z nq |
(b) We  AcwiewZ©Z _v‡K|
2nd Person (You, Your, Yours)
2. Reporting verb Gi  Obj Gi  gender I person  Abymv‡i cwiewZ©Z nq |
3rd Person (He, his, him, she, her, hers, they, their, them, theirs, it, its, Rahim, Rahim’s etc.
3. 3rd person B _v‡K ; cwieZ©b nq bv|


Imperative Sentence Gi  Let us Gi  ‘us’
4. Reporting verb Gi  subject ev  object  Gi g‡a¨ †Kvb--
       (a)   1st person  _vK‡j---- We
      (b)  1st person bv †_‡K 2nd person _vK‡j You
      (c)   1st  I 2nd person bv _vK‡j---- They

Reported  Speech Gi  Sentence Gi Dci wfwË K‡i  Reporting Verb wbgœ wjwLZ fv‡e cwiewZ©Z nq|

Direct  Gi Reported  Gi  Speech
Indirect narration Gi Reporting verb
tell (object _vK‡j ) say (object bv _vK‡j ) , remark, hope, belive, comment declare, affirm.
ask, enquire of, want to know.
prohibit, order, request, advise, entreat, forbid, propose, suggest, ask, beg, command, tell.
wish ( God ev Allah D‡j­L bv _vK‡j)
 pray (God ev  Allah D‡j­L _vK‡j) bid (we`vq eySv‡Z)
exclaim in joy, sorrow, wonder, grief, delight, regret, hatred, swear, applaud.

Reported  Speech Gi  Sentence Gi Dci wfwË K‡i  wbgœ wjwLZ Conjunction  hy³ nq t

Direct  Gi Reported   Speech Gi Sentence Gi   cÖKvi
Indirect narration G ( , ) & (“........”) Gi cwie‡Z© e¨eüZ nq   Conjunction ev linker
a) if (, & “......” Gi c‡i Auxiliary verb _vK‡j
b) Whether ( `ywU wel‡qi GKwU‡K Choice Kivi Bw½Z _vK‡j|)
c) Question word (,   I “ ....”) Gi ci †Kvb Question word ‡hgb t What, which, when, where,  why, whose, who, whom, how BZ¨vw` _vK‡j †mB Question word wUB em‡e|
a) to, (“.....”) Gi c‡i †Kvb doing verb _vK‡j |
b) not to (“......”)  Gi ci Do not ev Negetive evK¨ _vK‡j |
c) that........ might (“.........”) Gi c‡i Let _vK‡j Ges AbygwZ eySv‡j|
d) that ..... should (“.........”)Gi c‡i Let _vK‡j Ges cÖ¯—ve eySv‡j |
Necessary changes in the indirect narration in different sentences :

Reporting Verb

say / tell + object
Subject + verb+
Reporting verb “say” Gi ci object _vK‡j “Say” cwiewZ©Z n‡q Tell Object bv _vK‡j  Say  cwiewZ©Z nq bv| wbqgvgvbymv‡i tense I person cwieZ©b nq | wKš‘ wPiš—i mZ¨ ev‡K¨i †ejvq  tense cwieZ©b nq bv|
enquire of/
 demand of
if/ whether/ who
Sub+verb+ extension
Sentence wU mvnvh¨Kvix Verb Øviv  ïi“ n‡j `ywU Ask If/whether Øviv hy³ nq| Avi sentence wU hw` Wh Øviv ïi“ nq Zvn‡j `ywU Ask Wh  ØvivB hy³ nq | wbqgvbymv‡i Tense & Person cwieZ©b nq|
order,  advise,
request, tell, ask,
propose (to), suggest
not to,
g~j verb +Ex
S+ might + V +Ex( AbygwZ)   
S + should + V + Ex  ( cÖ¯—ve)
Reporting verb Av‡`k A‡_© order Dc‡`k A‡_© Advise Aby‡iva A‡_©  Request  AbygwZ A‡_© Tell/Ask cÖ¯—ve A‡_©  Propose/Suggest  nq | `ywU Ask nu¨v †evaK To bv †evaK‡K  Not to Ges  Let m~wPZ  Sentence G   That Øviv hy³ nq|
S + might + V + Ex
Dfq Ae¯’vq Subject Gi Might  nq| Long live cwiewZ©Z n‡q  live long n‡e| Might  Gi c‡i g~j Verb Gi Present form n‡e| wbqgvbymv‡i Person cwieZ©b Ki‡Z n‡e|
with joy/
S + V + ery/great + adj + Ex
Reporting verb Exclaim  Gi ci Avb›` eySv‡j with joy, `ytL eySv‡j with sorrow, we¯§q eySv‡j in grief ‡hvM Ki‡Z nq|  How/What Gi cwie‡Z©  Very/Great  nq|



says that
now (GLb)
then (ZLb)
said that
there (†mLv‡b)
said to me/him/them
this (GwU) + time
this + noun
this+ verb
that (IwU)
had been
these G¸‡jv
those  (I¸‡jv)
ago (Av‡M)
before (c~‡e©)
hither (GLv‡b / এখুনি)
thither (‡mLv‡b / তক্ষুনি)
have been
had been
thus (Gfv‡e)
so (ZvB)
has been
had been
come  (Avmv)
come/go (hvIqv)
had+ verb (past participle  form)
had written
that day (‡mw`b)
to night(AvR ivZ)
that night (‡m ivZ)
the next day
to morrow
the following day
the previous day
yesterday (MZKvj)
the day before
(MZKv‡ji Av‡Mi w`b)
had to
let (AbygwZ)
last night (MZivZ)
the previous night
Let (cÖ¯—ve)
last night
the night before
Sir _vK‡j
respectfully (kª×vi mv‡_)
yesterday morning
the previous morning

(MZKvj mKvj †ejv)

Wh  w`‡q ïi“ n‡j
asked +O+ Wh+

yesterday afternoon
(MZKvj we‡Kj †ejv)
the previous afternoon
Do/ Does/Did
Are/Is w`‡q ïi“ n‡j ?           

asked +O +if +Subject
yesterday evening
  (MZKvj mܨv‡ejv)
the previous evening
Do not
 not to+

The day before yesterday
two days before
commanded (mvgwiK Av‡`k)
ordered (Av‡`k)
forbid (wb‡la)
      that +noun
requested (Aby‡iva)
 implored (¸iZ¡Av‡ivc)
 begged (cÖv_©bv)
     that+ time
advised (Dc‡`k)
 recommended (Aby‡gv`b)
urged (‡Rvi †`Iqv)
warned (mZ©K Kiv)
        that +…
Let    me(Aby‡iva)

Let us (cÖ¯—ve n‡j)
proposed …..should

Let us(civgk© n‡j)
suggested …….should

         Narration on Assertive sentences
         Subject+ say/said+ object (hw`  না _vv‡K)+that +Reported speech Gi Subject +verb+ . evwK Ask|           
                         tell /told+ object (hw`  _vv‡K)+that +Reported speech Gi Subject +verb+ . evwK Ask|   

            Direct Speech
               Indirect Speech
Hasan said, “I lived many years in Dhaka.”
Hasan said that he had lived many years in Dhaka.
She said to me, “I was ill”
She told me that she had been ill.
I said to him, “I bought a book for you.”
I told him that I had bought a book for him.

         Interrogative Sentence ‡K Indirect Narration cwieZ©b Kivi wbqgt

Structure: Subject+ asked/inquired of +object(hw` _v‡K )+ if/whether + Reported
                   speech Gi  Subject+ verb+  evwK  Ask +…

           Direct Speech
              Indirect Speech
Arif sadi to me, “Do you want my help?”
Arif asked me if I wanted his help.
Premul said to his sister, “Will you go to school?”
Premul asked his sister if she would go to school.
Rahman has said to Milton, “Have you seen this movie?”
Rahman has asked Milton if he (Milton) has seen this movie.
We said to her, “Are you conscious?”
We asked her if she was conscious.
Narration on Interrogative sentences (WH)
         Subject+ ask(ed)+ object(hw`  _vv‡K )+wh(who/which +noun)/what/why/when/where) hy³   pronoun/How hy³   interrogative adverb+ Reported speech Gi   subject +verb+ evwK Ask|    
  You said to me, “Why have you come?”
You asked me why I had gone/ come.
He said to her, “Who are you?”
He asked her who she was.
They said to him, “What is your name?”
They asked him what his name was.
Mrs Salam said to Anwar, “Why have you been running?”
Mrs salam asked Anwar why he had been running.
Soma said to the teacher,”Which book will we follow?”
Soma asked her teacher which book they would follow.

         Narration on Imperative sentences

         Sub+ request(ed) (Aby‡iva) + object (hw` _vv‡K ) +to/not to+ reported speech Gi verb+ evwK Ask|
         order(ed) (Av‡`k) + object (hw` _vv‡K ) +to/not to + reported speech Gi verb+ evwK Ask|
          advise(d)(Dc‡`k) + object (hw` _vv‡K ) +to/not to + reported speech Gi verb+ evwK Ask|
          tell(told)              + object (hw` _vv‡K ) +to/not to + reported speech Gi verb+ evwK Ask|   
         command/(ed)  (mvgwiK Av‡`k)  + object (hw` _vv‡K ) +to/not to + reported speech Gi verb+ evwK Ask|  

                                                 Narration on Imperative sentences
            Direct Speech
               Indirect Speech
Father said to me, “Do not waste your time.”
Father advised me not to waste my time.
Father said to me, “Go to school now.”
Father ordered me to go to school then.
The piper said to the mayor, “Give me promised money.”
The piper requested the mayor to give him promised money.
My brother said to me, “Go to school now or you will be punished.”
My brother told me to go to school then or I would be punished.
   Teacher said to him, “Don’t waste your time.”
Teacher advised him not to waste his time.
Father said to his son, “Go to school now.”
Father ordered his son to go to school then.
The passer-by said to me, “Brother, please help me.”
The passer-by addressed me as brother and requested me to kindly help him.
The mother said to his son, “Call in a doctor.”
The mother told her son to call in a doctor.
Dolon said to Lucky, “Stop excessive eating.”
Dolon told Lucky to stop excessive eating.
My mother said to me, “Be polite to the elders, my child.”
Addressing me as her child my mother advised me to be polite to the elders.
He said to his friends, “Please wait for me till I return.”
He requested his friends to wait for him till he returned.

        Narration on Imperative sentences
       Let  Øviv ïay AbygwZ †evSv‡j-
    Subject +told+ object +that +subject +may/might(may be allowed to /might be allowed to) +reported              speech Gi     verb + evwK Ask|

                 Direct Speech
               Indirect Speech
The beggar said to me, “Let me have a meal.”
The beggar told me that he might be allowed to have a meal.
Kamal said to Mrs. Ali, “Mother, Let me have a cup of tea.”
Kamal told his mother, Mrs. Ali that he might be allowed to come in.
You said to me, “Let me come in.”

·       KL‡bv KL‡bv Reported speech Gi A_© I fvevbymv‡i Reporting verb G-Remark, hope, believe, comment, declare, affirm BZ¨vw`‡Z cwiewZ©Z nq| ‡hgb:-

                Direct   Speech
                 Indirect Speech
My father said to me, “ I bought the book Yesterday”.
My father told me that he had bought the book the previous day.
He said to me, “ I went to New Market”
He told me that he had gone to New Market.
Rashed said, “ I ate my meal”
Rashed said that he had eaten his meal.
The teacher said, “I shall teach him English”
The teacher said that he would teach him English.

   #  Reported speech Gi A_© I fvevbymv‡i Indirect Narration G Reporting verb- asked, enquired of, demanded of, wondered ,wanted to know BZ¨vw`‡Z cwiewZ©Z nq |
   #     Reported speech  Gi Aš—M©Z Interrogative sentence wU hw` Auxiliary verb( Do, Did, Does, Have, Had, Has, Are, Shall, Will, Can, Could, May, Is) ×viv kyi“ nq Zvn‡j    Reported speech Gi c~‡e©  if ev whether e‡m|

·   # Did _vK‡j Zv ev` w`‡q  had+Past Participle  A_©vr  Past Perfect form nq| †hgbt

                Direct   Speech
                 Indirect Speech
The police said, “ Did you see the accident.?”
The police asked if I had seen the accident.
He said to me, “Did you go to school yesterday”
He asked me if I had gone to school the previous day.

 Subject +asked +object(hw` _v‡K)+ wh pronoun/How   interrogative adverb+
 reported speech Gi Subject  +verb+ evwK Ask +…… 
                    [ Interrogative Pronouns:-Who,Which,What,Whom
                      Interrogative Adverbs  : Why,When,Where,how
                     Interrogative Adjective :Which+Noun,Whose+Noun]

 hv g‡b ivL‡Z n‡et

·       Reported speech Gi Aš—M©Z Interrogative sentence wU hw` Who, which, what, why, where,Whom,When, how BZ¨vw` question word ×viv m~wPZ nq, †m †¶‡Î   conjunction wnmv‡e  if/whether  e‡mbv| ‡mLv‡b Dc‡iv³  Interrogative word  ¸‡jvB e¨eüZ nq|

·       Direct Speech Gi   Interrogative sentence  wU  Indirect Speech Assertive sentence G cwiewZ©Z nq|
                Direct   Speech
                 Indirect Speech
He said to me, “ When will you go to home?”
He asked me when I would go home.
He said to me, “Who are you? What do you want?”
He asked me, who I was and what I wanted.

  Changing Narration of Imperative Sentence
  (Av‡`k,Dc‡`k,Aby‡iva,wb‡la,Abybq cÖKvk ev‡K¨i Dw³ cwieZ©b)
Imperative sentence ‡K Indirect NarrationG cwieZ©b Kivi wbqgt
S+ request(ed) (Aby‡iva) + object (hw` _vv‡K ) +to/not to+ reported speechGi verb+evKx Ask
     order(ed) (Av‡`k) + object (hw` _vv‡K ) +to/not to + reported speech Gi verb+evKx Ask
     advise(d) (Dc‡`k) + object (hw` _vv‡K ) +to/not to + reported speech Gi verb+evKx Ask
      tell(told)              + object (hw` _vv‡K ) +to/not to + reported speech Gi verb+evKx Ask 
    commanded +obj+(hw` _vv‡K)+to/not to + reported speech Gi verb+evKx Ask   (mvgwiK Av‡`k)
hv g‡b ivL‡Z n‡et

·       Direct Narration Gi Aš—M©Z Reported speech A_© I fvevbymv‡i Indirect Narration G Reporting verb-ask, order, request, advise, command, beg, entreat (অনুনয়বিনয় করা), tell BZ¨vw`‡Z cwiewZ©Z nq |
·       Affirmative Sentence Gi †¶‡Î Imperative verb Gi c~‡e© to  e‡m|
·       Negative sentence Gi †¶‡Î   imperative verb Gi c~‡e© not to e‡m|

                Direct   Speech
                 Indirect Speech
The teacher said to Rahman, “Stand up on the bench”
The teacher ordered Rahman to stand up on the bench.
The teacher said to the students, “Learn your lessons”
The teacher advised the students to learn their lessons.
Manik said to Nasima, “Leave the home at once.”
Manik asked Nasima to leave the home at once.
Father said to his son, “Don’t quarrel with anybody.”
Father forbade his son to quarrel with anybody.

·       Direct Speech G e¨eüZ  Please Gi cwie‡Z©  kindly/Politely Ges Sir Gi cwie‡Z© Indirect
       Speech G Respectfully  e¨eüZ nq|  
                Direct   Speech
                 Indirect Speech
He said to me, “Please give me your pen.”
He requested me  to give him my pen.
He said to me, “Please don’t tell him this.”
He requested me not to tell him that.

·       Negative Imperative Sentence ‡K Indirect Speech G cwieZ©b Kivi mgq Reporting verb ‡K prohibit, forbid BZ¨vw`‡Z cwieZ©b K‡i Negative Gi  not ‡K wejyß Kiv hvq|

                Direct   Speech
                 Indirect Speech
Father said to me, “Do not go there.”
Father forbade me  to go there
Teacher said to the boy, “Do not mix with the bad boys.”
Teacher forbade the boy to mix with the bad boys.

·       Reported Speech Gi fve I A_©vbymv‡i Indirect Speech G Reporting verb G order, request, advise, command, BZ¨vw`i †KvbwU n‡e, hLb Zv cwi®‹vi fv‡e †evSv hvq bv †m †¶‡Î Reporting verb wnmv‡e Tell/ask  e¨envi Kiv DËg|

Let  Øviv ïধু AbygwZ †evSv‡j A_©vr let Gi ci  us bv _vK‡j t
Structure t Subject +told+ object +that +subject +may/might(may be allowed to
                    /might be allowed to) +reported speech Gi  verb + evwK Ask|

Let, proposal ev suggestion A‡_© e¨eüZ bv n‡q, hw` AbygwZ cÖ`vb A‡_© e¨eüZ nq †m †¶‡Î      reporting verb Gi mvaviYZ: cwieZ©b nq bv| ïay reported speech Gi verb Gi c~‡e© Let Gi cwie‡Z©    may/might ev may be allowed/might be allowed to e‡m|

                Direct   Speech
                 Indirect Speech
Father said, “Let the boy go there.”
Father told that the boy might(might be allowed to) go there.        
He said, “Let him tell the story.”
He said that he might tell the story.
The girl said, “Let me have some milk.”
The girl said that she might have some milk.
He said, “Let the man go.”
He said that the man might be allowed to go.
The beggar said to me, “Let me have a meal.”
The beggar told that he might be allowed to have a meal.

hw` Could ev  would w`‡q Avi¤¢ n‡q interrogative sentence MVb Ki‡jI cÖK…Z A‡_© G‡`i‡K      imperative sentence wn‡m‡e Mb¨ Kiv nq Ges imperative sentence Gi wbqgvbymv‡iB G‡`i‡K    direct ‡_‡K  indirect  narration G cwieZ©b Kiv  nq| ‡hgb:-

The boy said to me, “Will you lend me your books?”
The boy told/asked/requested me to lend him my books.

Let  Øviv ïiy প্রস্তাব /civgk© n‡j -
Subject +Propose(d) (প্রস্তাব)
             suggest(ed) (civgk©) + that + they/we + should + reported speech Gi   verb + evwK Ask|

Salma said to her brother, “Let us return the bag to its owner.”
Salma proposed to her brother that they should return the bag to its owner.
Dolon said to Rajon, “Let us paint the house.”
Dolon proposed to Rajon that they should paint the house.

Narration (Proverb) 
The teacher said to the students, “Two and Two make four”
The teacher said to the students that two and Two make four
The teacher said to the student, “The more you read, the more you learn”
The teacher said to the student that the more he(Student) read, the more he (S) learn
The teacher said, “Honesty is the best Policy”
The teacher said that honesty is the best Policy.
Father said, “Slow and steady wins the race.”
Father said that slow and steady wins the race.

Passage Narration

Rules of passage Narration for SSC/ HSC Examination

Direct speech  Gi GKwU  passage Narration –G  Assertive, Interrogative, Exclamatory, Imperative I Optative – GB cuvP Sentence B _vK‡Z cv‡i| GB sentence - ¸‡jvi  Indirect Narration Kivi †h wbqg, Passage Narration Kivi wbqg I ZvB| ïay KZK¸‡jv Linking words (ms‡hvM Kvix kã) Passage Narration Gi ক্ষেত্রে  e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| wb‡gœ KZK¸‡jv wbqg †`qv njt

01.Reporting verb Ges Zvi subject ev object bv _vK‡j-
    (a)subject wnmv‡e The Speaker.
    (b)Object wnmv‡e The person Spoken to
    (c) Reporting verb wnmv‡e Reported Speech Abymv‡i- tell, ask, request, order, command, propose, wish, pray,  bid, thank BZ¨vw` Avb‡Z n‡e|      †hgb-  Direct: ‘Do it”
Indirect: The  speaker told the person spoken to do it.

02. Reporting verb Uv gv‡S ev †k‡l _vK‡jt
Indirect Kivi mgq Zv‡K sentence Gi ïiæ‡Z wb‡q Avm‡Z nq| †hgb-
Direct: “you look a little bit like my mother” Jerry said to the authoress, specially in the dark by the fire”
Indirect: “Jerry told the authoress that she looked a little bit like his mother specially in the dark by the fire.

03. ‡Kvb e³vi cici GKvw`K Dw³ _vK‡jt  
(a) wØZxq Dw³i ক্ষেত্রে added
(b) Z„Zxq Dw³i ক্ষেত্রে further added
(c)  PZz_© Dw³i ক্ষেত্রে also said
(d)  cÂg Dw³i ক্ষেত্রে again said
 #  2wU Interrogative cici _vK‡j wØZxqwUi ক্ষেত্রে again/also asked nq|
Direct: He said, “I can chop some wood today. I shall come again tomorrow”
Indirect: He said that he could chop some wood that day. He added that he would come again the next day.
Direct: He said, “What is your name? Where do you live?”
Indirect:  He asked  What my name was. He also asked Where I lived.

04. Reported speech-G  “yes/no” _vK‡jt
Indirect G  Replied in the affirmative/negative + yes/no Gi ci AviI wKQz _vK‡j-
a. Replied in the affirmative /negative that+ evKx Ask/
                                                          and told  that +evKx Ask
b. Subject + c~‡e©i cÖkœ ev‡K¨i mv‡_ m½wZc~b© auxiliary verb em‡e| †hgb-
   Direct: Shima said to Sabina, “Are you going to Chittagong tomorrow?” “yes” said Sabina
  Indirect: Shima asked Sabina if she was going to Chittagong the next day. Sabina replied in the affirmative.
05. Direct speech-G   sir _vK‡j: sir Gi cwie‡Z© respectfully e¨envi Ki‡Z nq|
     Direct: “yes, Sir” She replied, “I have done my duty”
    Indirect : She replied respectfully in the affirmative that she had done her duty.

06. Direct speech-G KvD‡K †Kvb wKQz e‡j  address Kiv n‡jt
      Indirect-G  Reporting verb Gi KZ©vi c~‡e© addressing (N/P) as- friend/brother/sister emv‡Z  nq| †hgb-
      Direct: “Are you hungry, friends?” said the shrewd king.
     Indirect: Addressing them ad friends, the shrewd king asked if they were hungry.

07. Direct speech –G  by Allah/God/Jove/My life _vK‡jt
     Indirect:  Gi ïiæ‡Z swearing by Allah/ God/Jove/My life e‡m| †hgb-
     Direct: By Allah “be replied” I will not leave this house”
    Indirect : Swearing by Allah by replied that he would not leave that house.

08. Inverted comma Gi evB‡I †Kvb  phrase ev clause _vK‡jt
     Direct G Zv AcwiewZ©Z Ae¯’vq ïiæ‡ZB e‡m| †hgb-
 Direct :”Are you brothers?” said the mistress of the house, turning to the dervishes.
Indirect: Turning to the dervishes the mistress of the house asked if they were brothers.

09.Dircet speech-G  Assertive sentence Gi †k‡l cÖkœ‡evaK wPý _vK‡jt
    Indirect Kivi mgq Reporting verb Gi c~‡e© being surprised wjL‡Z n‡e
    Reporting verb ‡K ask –G cwiewZ©Z Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb-
   Direct: She said to me , “ you have remembered how she looked all these years?
  Indirect: Being surprised she asked me if I had remembered how she had looked all those years.

10. Direct speech G thank you _K‡j  Indirect Kivi mgq Reporting verb Gi subject+ thanked+ reporting verb object e‡m| †hgb-
   Direct : He said to me “Thank you”
   Indirect: He thanked me.

11. Direct speech G “Good bye” _vK‡j indirect  Kivi mgq Reporting verb Gi subject+ bade+ object+ good bye e‡m|
       Direct: He said, “Good bye my friends”
       Indirect: He bade his friends good-bye.
12. Direct speech G Good Morning/ Good evening/Good night _vK‡j
      Indirect Kivi mgq Reporting verb Gi subject+ wished+ good evening/ good night /good morning e‡m|
       Direct: I said to him, “Good morning”
      Indirect: I wished him good morning.

 13. Direct speech G sentence Gi cÖ_‡g pronoun Ges c‡i  noun _vK‡jt
      Indirect G cÖ_‡g noun emv‡Z nq| †hgb-
     Direct: He said to me, “Believe, I Mr Rana, is quite innocent”
     Indirect: Mr Rana told me to believe that he was quite innocent.

14. Direct speech G Optative sentence G Reporting verb Gici object _vK‡j indirect G ïay pray  Gi †ক্ষ‡Î pray for nq| †hgb-
    Direct: Mother said to me ‘May Allah bless you”
    Indirect: Mother prayed for me that Allah might bless me.

15. Direct speech G Exclamatory sentence G  what Ges how _vK‡j Indirect speech G h_vµ‡g great, very e‡m| †hgb-
   Direct: He said to me, ”What a fool you are”
  Indirect: He exclaimed with sorrow that I was a great fool.

16.Direct speech G Reporting verb  past tense bv n‡q present/future n‡j indirect G wbKUeZx Ges `~ieZx© kã cwiewZ©Z nq bv| †hgb-
  Direct: He says, “I am ill now”
  Indirect: He says that he is ill now.

17.Direct G  never _K‡j indirect G not to e‡m| †hgb-
    Direct: He said to me, “Never tell a lie”
    Indirect: He advised me not to tell a lie.

18 .Direct G cÖ¯—v‡ei c‡ object _vK‡j Indirect  G propose to e‡m
   Direct: He said to me “Let us go to the picnic “
  Indirect:He proposed to me that they should go to the picnic.

19.Direct speech G  we ×viv gvbeRvwZ eySv‡jt Indirect G Zv cwiewZ©Z nq bv| †hgb-
Direct: He said, “We shall all die”
Indirect: He said that we shall all die.

20.We ×viv  hw` e³v I hv‡K D‡Ïk¨ K‡I ejv nq GB `yBRb‡K eySv‡bv nq Z‡e G‡`I g‡a¨t
a) GKRb 1st person n‡j we AcwiewZ©Z _v‡K
b) GKRb 2nd person n‡j we  cwiewZ©Z n‡q  you nq|
c) GKRb 1st person Ges 2nd person bv _vK‡j us cwiewZ©Z n‡q they nq|

I said to old man, “What are you doing?” “I am watching the boys swimming in the pond,” he said. “How happy they are! May Allah bless them.” “Let me sit by you and enjoy the scene.” I said.(Avwg e„ׇjvKwU‡K ejjvg, ÒZzwg wK Ki‡Qv?Ó ÒAvwg evjK‡`i b`x‡Z mvZvi KvUv†`LwQ|Ó‡m ejj| ÒZviv wK myLx!ÓAvj­vn Zv‡`i g½j Ki“Y|Avgv‡K †Zvgvi cv‡k¦© em‡Z `vI Ges `„k¨wU Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z `vI|Ó Avwg ejjvg|)

GUv `y R‡bi g‡a¨Kvi msjvc| GKRb e„ׇjvK Ges Avwg|GLvbKvi  evK¨¸wj n‡jvt
What are you doing now?
Interrogative sentence
I am watching the boys swimming in the pond.
Assertive sentence
How happy they are!
Exclamatory sentence
May Allah bless them
Optative sentence
Let me sit by you and enjoy the scene.
Imperative sentence
GLv‡b 1g evK¨ cÖkœKZ©v Avwg Ges Avgvi evK¨wU Interrogative sentence ,wØZxq ev‡K¨wU DËi`vZvi Avi wZwb n‡”Qb GKRb e„&ׇjvK Ges evK¨wU Assertive sentence   G Av‡Q|Z…Zxq evK¨wU wUI e„ׇjvKwUi Ges evK¨wU Exclamatory sentence G Av‡Q| PZz_© evK¨wU I e„ׇjvKwUi Ges evK¨wU Optative sentence G Av‡Q| 5g evK¨wU Avgvi  Ges evK¨wU Imperative sentence G Av‡Q| Gevi Avgiv Gme evK¨  ‡K av‡c av‡c Ki‡ev
1g evK¨t Direct Speech: I said to old man, “What are you doing?”
 [Reported speech Gi Aš—M©Z Interrogative sentence wU hw`  what ×viv m~wPZ nq, †m †¶‡Î  ‡mLv‡b Dc‡iv³  Interrogative word B e¨eüZ nq|]
Structure: Subject+ asked +object + wh+ Reported speech Gi Subject +verb+ evwK Ask  
Indirect Speech: I asked the old man what he was doing.
2q evK¨t       Direct Speech: “I am watching the boys swimming in the pond,” he said.
Structure: Subject+ replied  +that +Reported speech Gi Subject +verb+ evwK Ask + 
Indirect Speech: He replied that he was watching the boys swimming in the pond.
3q evK¨t he said. “How happy they are!
Subject +exclaimed+that +reported speech Gi sub +verb (past form) +very +adj.+   --
Indirect Speech: He also exclaimed that they were very happy.
4_© evK¨t  Direct : He said. “May Allah bless them.”
Subject+ again +Prayed (Avj­vni bvg _vK‡j)+that  +reported speech Gi  subject +might+ reported speech  + evwK Ask|  
Indirect Speech: He again prayed that Allah might bless them.
5g evK¨t Direct : “Let me sit by you and enjoy the scene.” I said
Let  Øviv ïi“ AbygwZ †evSv‡j A_©vr letGi ci  us bv _vK‡j t
Structure : Subject +told+ object +to + +reported speech Gi  verb + evwK Ask|
Indirect Speech: I told the old man to let me sit by him and enjoy the scene.

Answer: I asked the old man what he was doing. He replied that he was watching the boys swimming in the pond. He also exclaimed that they were very happy. He again prayed that Allah might bless them. I requested the old man to let me sit by him and enjoy the scene.


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